Thursday, June 22, 2017


If you dive a little deep into English vocabulary, you'll be able to find out a whole treasure of ways to use certain words. I have come across instances where people use fancy word just so that the subject matter weighs heavier; and I have also read excerpts where simple words bring out a lot of meaning when put together. However, there are few simple words which create a lot of difference when brought together. While going through a random article, I came across "give in" and it suddenly struck my mind that I need to figure out the difference between "give in" and "give up".

Both the phrases are not much different from each other. The basic point of difference lies in the intention of the user of the phrase and the context in which it is being used. Let me explain it to you in the form of situations.

Situation A:
                     Clarie and Tyler were taking a stroll on the footpath of a busy road. Tyler was constantly thinking about something and wanted to share the same with Clarie. Completely ignorant of Tyler's state of mind and his problems, Clarie was busy talking about her new flat and all that she wanted to furnish it with. It was not that Tyler was not interested, but that was a time when he was restless and was not being able to focus. Suddenly, Clarie noticed a home decor shop and wanted to go there. She kept on constantly persuading Tyler to take her there. Tyler asked her to stop for a while and listen to him after which he was ready to take her to that shop. But, Clarie was not ready to listen to him at all. She wasn't even being able to understand what Tyler had to say. Looking at the way Clarie was excited about visiting the shop, he knew that there was no scope of her listening to him at that moment. Hence, he gave up and took her to the shop so that she could get done with her shopping.

Situation B:
                     Clarie and Tyler were taking a stroll on the footpath of a busy road. Tyler was constantly thinking about something and wanted to share the same with Clarie. Completely ignorant of Tyler's state of mind and his problems, Clarie was busy talking about her new flat and all that she wanted to furnish it with. Tyler looked at her face and the way her face was getting slightly covered by her shiny strands of hair. He tried talking to her about his problem but, Clarie noticed a home decor shop and wanted to visit it. She turned towards Tyler and constantly persuaded him to take her to the shop. Tyler asked her to stop for a while and listen to him. She paused and with a spark of hope in her eyes, explained to Tyler that if they don't visit the shop at that moment, it might get closed for the day. Finally, Tyler gave in to her demand and took her to the shop with a pact that she would listen to his problem after they come out of the shop.

After observing the above situations and comparing both of them, it is understood that the interpretation of both the phases depends upon the circumstance. Both the phrases ultimately mean 'to surrender', but "give in" is more tilted towards quitting because there is no hope of success and "give in" refers to letting go of something for a better reason. "Give in" has a broader meaning because one can give in to a situation because they agree to a certain thing, they prioritize something else over the present situation, they do not want to fight further and surrender to the situation by accepting the reality. on the other hand, "give up" has a narrowed down use which only refers to a situation where there is no expectation of success.

P.S: I don't know if I'm completely right but I have just put across my thoughts as per my understanding. Feel free to comment and correct me because that would make me even happier.

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