Monday, June 12, 2017


One fine day, I was whirling away my time recollecting some sweet memories while my feet brushed against the sand. I stretched my hands, bent down and touched the sand. I struggled with those particles to keep them inside my fist but, they escaped. This nature of sand indicates independence. The same is the case with a butterfly or a bird. It always depends upon our nature whether we want to be trapped or set free.
Very often, we feel trapped in our lives and get domesticated under the tyranny of 'Stress'. That is because we leave ourselves at places vulnerable enough to get us trapped. An animal is safe till the time it either stays in its cave or comes out strong enough to tear of the trap with it ferociously sharp claws. Once the animal tames fear in its mind, it tends to suffer.
However, there's always a difference of timing when a person learns something. At times we learn enough to save ourselves from the trap; and at other times we learn after gathering a lot of strength to tear off the trap and then escape. For every little thing in life, there is a perfect time, but for independence and freedom, we need the perfect inspiration.
If we wait for time to teach us how to be independent, we would probably be waiting forever. Time can only give us experience and patience, but strength is a small seed sowed deep within our heart. It is our sole responsibility to water this seed and help it grow.
This is how we can learn little things from nature and inspire ourselves to become free and smooth as sand, graceful and attractive like a butterfly and, brave and optimistic as a bird.

"Your hands may be tied,
Your eyes must have cried.
But with a brave heart within,
The stream of tears seems dried."

                                                                                                            -Somya Mishra

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