Tuesday, April 26, 2011


If I consider this first year life at NLUO as a vessel, then now things are gradually getting vapourised. When I entered this place, it was difficult to select elements which will fill up my vessel. As time passed by, i started filling elements into my vessel without even setting up a criteria for selecting them. Slowly, I started finding out how each element differentiated from the other.

Some solid elements vapourised in a very short span of time and went away to form their own vessels elsewhere. Some other solid elements turned out to be a pain and torture. These elements have become liquid, but I don't want to let them get vapourised completely as they have taught me how badly life can treat you at times. Some elements appeared to be so confused with their movements. Throughout the year, they did not know which side to go. All they have been doing is suppressing their actual emotions and depicting a "GOODY-GOODY" image. Well! That didn't work actually. Those elements have already lost their essence within this year.

Some elements entered the vessel and then left it according to their own comfort. They did not even care to think about the blank places which they left behind. I don't know if these blank places will ever be filled again, but I hope these elements get their deserving places and do not come back to ask for a little place after they are completely evaporated from my vessel.

Some solid elements are still in their solid state and I feel like covering my vessel with the lid now. I don't want to let these elements go. Some memories have vapourised already, but the elements together will successfully create fresh memories again. I believe. I would prefer to name these elements as "MADDIE BUDDIES". These elements have shown a lot of madness and have tolerated my madness too. They have also helped me get over a few settled sediments which were driving me mad day by day. They have shown me almost all ways to smile even when I'm stuck up with a depressing life full of classes, studies, cases, projects and the monsters creating them. They have made my life HELL. HELL because that place is so very full of laughter, noises and fire unlike HEAVEN where things are so silent and boring. I love this HELL of mine and hope to live in it all through my life before the arrival of the judgement day.
Now, my vessel is partially filled with these selected good elements and the devilish half-vapourised elements which will soon disappear.
                                                                                                             -Somya Mishra

1 comment:

  1. full of emotions..!!..u need to live through these dear..:)
