Monday, October 13, 2014


Innocence and rage,
Held on to each other,
When the extremes knew,
That they were strengths for each other.

With heart filled with love,
And mind drowned in confusion,
"To be or not to be"
Came out as the resulting situation.

Respect and Hatred,
Battled with each other,
But none could stand victorious,
As on the other side was his mother.

When blood relations parted ways,
And new relations bloomed,
There was a balance of emotions,
And faith's existence was doomed.

Living upto many expectations,
And crawling into many hearts,
It became a perfect combination,
Of a soul's shattered parts.

With a never giving up artist,
And a bunch of unbeatable makers,
"Haider" is a work of art,
Giving huge profits to the bakers.
                                                        -Somya Mishra

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


वो बारिश ही क्या जिसमे भीगे नहीं,
वो धूप ही क्या जिसमे जले नहीं.
जो ना देखे तुमने कुद्रट के ये नज़ारे,
तो समझो दुनिया की गोदी पे पाले नहीं.

जागती है सूरज सुबह की बारिश के साथ,
तो दिल करता है के ये दिन कभी ढले नहीं.
जो ना देखे तुमने कुद्रट के ये नज़ारे,
तो समझो दुनिया की गोदी पे पाले नहीं.

बारिश भीगती है बंजर ज़मीन को,
जैसे दिल में वापस आया हो एक सोया एहसास.
जो ना महसूस किया हो तुमने इस खुशी को,
तो समझो दुनिया की गोदी पे पाले नहीं.
                                                     - Somya Mishra

Monday, May 19, 2014


Do you believe in having faith and seeing it come alive exactly as expected?

One such incident took place today. I just realised that hope is not merely a word of motivation; it is an act of having faith. whenever you act in a certain way and have the determination in your mind that a certain result is expected, no power on earth can stop it from happening.

This again brings my thought back to the "Secret" by Rhonda Byrne where she had written that

"There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstances of your life can change!". This statement is very true. In this book she talks about the Law of Attraction and I actually saw that work right in front of my eyes. There are positive as well as negative energies all around you; only the ones which you attract towards yourself will come to you. The magnetic energy flowing in the air gets attracted to similar forces coming out of one's mind when it comes to emotions. This denies the theory of "opposites attract" but tends to function perfectly with one's brain. Hope is one such emotion.

When you are hopeful and certainly want a thing to happen, the best way to attract the positive energy is to have faith in your hope and work for it with full determination because you tend to attract your dominant thoughts. So, choose your thoughts carefully because thoughts attracted to certain strong emotions usually turn out to be pieces of creation. I don't know how far this piece of writing is valuable to many, but I am certain of the fact that this piece has contained many experiences within its fencing and it will certainly be helpful to many.

                                                                                                     -Somya Mishra

Monday, May 5, 2014


A busy daily schedule and so many dreams yet to come true. Standing in a crowded bus, I find this above expression on many faces. Bangalore is a city with hopes and opportunities. While struggling for a single meal everyday, I visualize the life of any yuppie in a new city with lot of troubles. One month looks like "ONE BIG MONTH" where it has become difficult to plan out things for everyday keeping the daily schedule in mind. So, sitting in my firm, the existence of this Chinese Symbol struck my mind and forced my to type it down.

Come out of your house and look at the road once! Will you find every person satisfied? I bet even you have a dissatisfied look on your face standing in the heat right now. The more difficult the things look, the more pleasing they will be once they get over. In a way, it is better to continue with the particular thing and not get done with it. Life seems to be pointless when you divorce seriousness from fun. The combination of these completely opposite phases of life brings out the true essence. This combination or union of the opposites is the YIN-YANG.

People tend to misinterpret the symbol as the depiction of union of man and woman only. It is a depiction of all union of opposite forces of the world. I am a person who is quite courageous to face all different situations without thinking about the consequences and afraid of few outcomes at the same time. This has helped me understand myself. This union makes my life peaceful. I would be making a fool out of myself if I lost the courage by only worrying about the consequences. It is possible that I may also look like a wierdo if I did everything without caring about the outcomes. Sometimes, we need to let go of the bounds and free ourselves while sometimes it is extremely necessary to bind our souls with certain limitations of reasonability. This bond is one of the perfect unions of opposites which brings out peace in your life. Similarly, the union of fun and seriousness will also bring our the essence of variety and interest in life. It's time you bring out the YIN-YANG in you!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014


नही कही तुमसे कुछ बातैं,
क्यूंकि इंतज़ार में डूबे थे हमI
कट गई ऐसी बहुत सी रातें,
जब तुम्हारे प्यार में डूबे थे हमI

ना चाहा था किसी पल को उस पल से ज़्यादा,
जब सपना सच हो के सामने था आयाI
ना चाहा था किसी सपने को उस सपने से ज़्यादा,
जहां भीगी पलकों ने था अपना ख्वाब सजायाI

उन्ही आंसुओं के राह पर चलते,
हमने जिंदगी का रास्ता बनायाI
और उन्ही रास्तों केइस मोड़ पर,
खुद को तुमसे बहुत दूर पायाI

सफर हमारा ना होगा पूरा,
जो साथ ना रहा एक दूजे का सायाI
ज़िन्दगी का मकसद रहेगा अधूरा,
अगर कदम तुम्हारी गती पे बढ़ ना पाया
                                    - Somya Mishra

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


With the calmness of the silent sea,
And the kindness of a sage,
He looked upon everyone,
As placed on the same stage.

With respect for the elders,
And concern for the children,
He reached out to their hearts,
With a simple stroke of pen.

With the gentle flow of ink,
From the hands ruling the words,
"Khaali Akhi Re" was born,
As a challenge to renowned bards.

The knowledge and control over language,
With patience leading them,
Even epics were made complete,
As known works of this gem.

On setting out to go for work,
The spark of brilliance shone,
Humble colours of intellect,
Came out bright on the monochrome dress alone.

Holding on to faith,
And confidence at the same time,
A step was always put forward,
To argue for civil as well as a crime.

Trusting on self-righteousness,
Yet respecting others' opinions,
The Member of Parliament balanced,
The rules and emotions for milions.

The fear in our eyes,
To fall short of set expectation,
Managed to get superceded,
By genuine gestures of affection.

Being one of the youngest grandchildren,
I was showered with great love and care,
Yet not at all pampered,
To get spoilt even if I dare.

The words in this piece,
Came direct from my heart,
Without the emotions being judged,
But the framework of the same,
Have flown through Jeje's blood.

                                                 -Somya Mishra