Thursday, May 9, 2013


This is just to give some inspiration to myself as well as those who take the pain to go through this.

Happiness is like a pearl in an oyster. You know it is there, but you will have to struggle with the firm and strong shells to get that happiness. Once you manage to grab that pearl, all your pains and struggle will seem to be vanishing as the shine of the pearl will reflect all your efforts.
However, it depends how you measure the worth of the pearl. As human beings, we all have certain expectations always. these expectations never end. But they can be achieved if we keep them small. Few things like eternal love, riches with smiles and a long-term satisfying sleep are things which can not be achieved by every individual. But, these are not the only things which make this life worthwhile; everyone cannot aim towards achieving such great heights of happiness. You will always have to fix a limit for your expectation and make sure that the limit is very low. In this case, even the smallest of things will make you happy.
Experience has taught me that there are situations when you struggle with the shells, open the oyster and find it to be empty. these situations can be depressing and discouraging. When You have put in your hard-work and time, the reward should be proportionate or at least sufficient. It is a disgrace on God's creation if such failures have to come. But, even then, there is a way which would take you to happiness. "Patience" is the keyword which will open up your locks and lead you towards your deserved path. You may ask, "Why me?", or "Why am I to be patient when other get it easily?". Frankly speaking, I have no answer to this question but, one thought strikes my little brain now.
The thought is that all our fingers are not the same but, we never complained about it. basically, it is because we know that each fulfills a specific purpose depending upon its capabilities. If you feel that you are being test, then it is probably because you are found to be deserving more and capable of doing more than what the ordinary people can do.

I just hope the pain of reading was worthwhile because my pain of writing doesn't seem to be a pain anymore.

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